Adobe After Effects CS3 Working with paint tools keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                     Command
Swap paint background color and foregroundcolors

Set paint foreground color to black andbackground color to white

Set foreground color to the color currentlyunder any paint tool pointer

Set foreground color to the average colorof a 4-pixel x 4-pixel area under any paint tool pointer

Set a paint tool's brush size

Cmnd-drag, then release Cmnd whiledragging
Set a paint tool's brush hardness

Hold Shft while beginning stroke
Join current paint stroke to the previousstroke

Set starting sample point to point currentlyunder Clone Stamp tool pointer

Momentarily activate Eraser tool with LastStroke Only option

Optn+Shft-drag with Clone Stamp tool
Show and move overlay. (Change aligned CloneStamp tool's Offset value or change unaligned Clone Stamptool's Source Position value.)

Optn-click the preset
Duplicate a Clone Stamp tool preset in Paintpanel

Digit on numeric keypad (e.g., 9=90%, 1=10%)
Set a paint tool's opacity

. (decimal) on numeric keypad*
Set a paint tool's opacity to 100%

Shft+a digit on numeric keypad (e.g., 9=90%, 1=10%)
Set a paint tool's flow

Shft+. (decimal) on numeric keypad*
Set a paint tool's flow to 100%

Cmnd+Page Up or Cmnd+Page Down
Move earlier or later by number of framesspecified for stroke Duration

Adobe After Effects CS3 Working with paint tools keyboard shortcuts keys Adobe After Effects CS3 Working with paint tools keyboard shortcuts keys Reviewed by Black on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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