Adobe After Effects CS3 Using and modifying views keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                             Command
Optn+1, Optn+2, Optn+3, Optn+4
Show red, green, blue, or alpha channelas grayscale
Optn+Shft+1, Optn+Shft+2, Optn+Shft+3
Show colorized red, green, or blue channel
Toggle showing straight RGB color
Double-click Hand tool
Reset view in the Composition panel to 100%and center composition in the panel
. (period) on main keyboard
Zoom in in Composition, Layer, or Footagepanel
, (comma)
Zoom out in Composition, Layer, or Footagepanel
/ (on main keyboard)
Zoom to 100% in Composition, Layer, or Footagepanel
Shft+/ (on main keyboard)
Zoom to fit in Composition, Layer, or Footagepanel
Optn+/ (on main keyboard)
Zoom up to 100% to fit in Composition, Layer,or Footage panel
Cmnd+J, Cmnd+Shft+J, Cmnd+Optn+J
Set resolution to Full, Half, or Customin Composition panel
Open View Options dialog box for activeComposition panel
; (semicolon)
Zoom in Timeline panel to single-frame units
= (equals sign) on main keyboard
Zoom in time
=- (hyphen) on main keyboard
Zoom out time
Caps Lock
Suspend image updates
' (apostrophe)
Show or hide safe zones
Cmnd+' (apostrophe)
Show or hide grid
Optn+' (apostrophe)
Show or hide proportional grid
Show or hide rulers
Cmnd+; (semicolon)
Show or hide guides
Cmnd+Shft+' (apostrophe)
Turn snapping to grid on or off
Cmnd+Shft+; (semicolon)
Turn snapping to guides on or off
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+; (semicolon)
Lock or unlock guides
Show or hide layer controls
Adobe After Effects CS3 Using and modifying views keyboard shortcuts keys Adobe After Effects CS3 Using and modifying views keyboard shortcuts keys Reviewed by Black on 3:25 AM Rating: 5

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